Photo Prints

For your photo prints in Bellingham, Fairhaven Post And Parcel is your one-stop destination for high-quality photo printing services in the beautiful city of Bellingham. Whether you’re a professional photographer or simply printing a pic from your phone, we are here to transform your digital memories into stunning prints that will last a lifetime.

Simply choose your desired size, upload your digital images and let us take care of the rest. We take pride in our commitment to customer satisfaction. Your photos are important to us, and we strive to ensure that every print is perfect. Our attention to detail and dedication to excellence set us apart from the competition, making us the go-to choice for all your photo printing needs in Bellingham.

Don’t let your precious memories stay hidden on your digital devices. Let Fairhaven Post And Parcel bring them to life with our exceptional photo printing services in Bellingham.

4x6 Photo Prints and Photo Enlargements

4×6 Photo Prints


5×7 Photo Prints



8×10 Photo Prints


Same Day Pickup in as Little as 1hr in Fairhaven

Print and share your favorite memories…

All Photo Sizes

Shipping Options


SizeSame Day PickupShip to You
True Digital- 4x5.3$0.39$0.39

Frequently Asked Questions?

Our most popular size photo print is 4×6 which is a common size for many framed pictures however most phones use 4×5.3 for a standard photo size which is why we offer both printing options. Printing a phone’s 4×5.3 photo on a 4×6 photo will result in some cropping of the original image. 

Fairhaven Post And Parcel photo print sizes in Bellingham include 4×6, 5×7, 8×10, 4×5.3 and 4×4.

  • The aspect ratio of a 4×6 print is 3:2
  • The aspect ratio of a 5×7 print is 7:5
  • The aspect ratio of an 8×10 print is 5:4

All photo prints at Fairhaven Post And Parcel are borderless including 4×6, 5×7 and all other sizes.

Our True Digital Prints are a 4×5.3 format which allows you to better match the dimensions of photos produced by most digital cameras.

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